SPIRIT programme launch event on 7th June 2022

Welcome to the launch event of the SPIRIT programme for Sustainable Plastics Industry Transformation! We are delighted to invite you to our online event organised on the 7th June, 2022 in Espoo, Finland.

The SPIRIT programme will drive the Sustainable Plastics Industry Transformation, and our aim is to build an extensive ecosystem around the entire value chain to address this vital transformation required within the industry at large. Borealis Finland is excited to lead this transformation, and we would like to welcome you as a potential ecosystem partner to participate in this launch event.


The event is co-hosted by Markku Heino (Spinverse) and Jari Lehtinen (Borealis)

12:00 Welcome & introduction to SPIRIT the programme
Salla Roni-Poranen and Erik Van Praet, (Borealis)

12:15 Keynote: Sustainability in chemical industry
Ann Dierckx (European Chemical Industry Council)

12:45 Introductions to the SPIRIT themes by theme leaders from Borealis

  • Renewable feedstock, Antti Ilves
  • Circular plastics, Jaakko Tuomainen
  • CO2 reduction, Mikko Rönkä
  • Enablers for green transition, Auli Nummila-Pakarinen

13:45 Coffee break

14:00 Pitches from e.g. ST1, Vantaan Energia and VTT, followed by discussions

14:45 Panel discussion: How to turn plastics industry sustainable together? Panelists from e.g. Finnish Plastics Federation, Fortum and Neste.

15:15 Wrap-up: How to join the SPIRIT ecosystem?

15:30 Event ends.


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